Monday, September 28, 2009


It is so important that we have clarity on what we want. The universe does not tell the difference between or tomorrow. It is timeless. Therefore as we work through identifying what we want we need to state and see ourseleves in posssion of the end picture. As`Stephen Covey comments...begin with the end in mind. We need to state what are becoming. I have read hundreds of stories of where people have done this. There too was a time when i was going overseas. There was a group of us attending. I didnt hqave the funds to pay for the trip...yet i knew that i knew i would be going. The leader of the group came to me 7 days before we were due to go and he asked me if i wanted to reconsider. I answered no as i knew the money would arrive.
The money for the tickets and accomodation was all cleared 3 days prior to going. I held the image within regardless of what was going on around me. There is an important thing to apply. The universe sees the difference between what it sees and what is happening and starts shifting things to match the two.

I hope you have a great week and i look forward to next time.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mama Mia

For months nowwe have been looking forward to going to Moma Mia. It seems an age sine we have booked the tickets. It reminds me of how important it is to take steps to make this moment count. Every day we ae either moving closer to or further away from our goals. Every single thing we do is either a positive of negative thing happening to us. Is this opportunity moving me closer or further away from where I want to go? There is no point asking if its good or bad for me as it will be both. The bottom lne is this task/ opportunity moving me closer or further away?
Many months ago we chose to move to Mama Mia and we took steps to it make happen.
Till next time
Think today and enjoy tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thoughts and health

Recently I have been thinking about the things we think about and how powerful our mind is vital when we are feeling good and when we are feeling low. Otherwise the hour of adversity, poverty or defeat. The other is in the hour of success, when a person begins to feel superior to others because of his material possessions.

At the first danger point, it may be helpful to remember that it seems to be the nature of people to withhold assistance from those who need it most. When you are on the way up, struggling to gain recognition in your chosen field of service, you often feel that no one wishes to give you a helping hand. But once you arrive, everyone wishes to do something to help you - when you don't need it!

"For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." (Matthew 25:29.)

This strange paradox reflects the nature of the law of harmonious attraction through which like attracts like--success brings more success, failure more failure. Whatever you accept from life, good or bad, will surely become a part of you.

Which is only another way of saying that the pictures you form in your imagination, the mental attitude you allow to dominate your mind, translate themselves into their material equivalent through every means that may be available.

Successful people safeguard their mental attitude so carefully that they do not accept from life anything they do not desire. They may meet with unpleasant circumstances which lead to temporary defeat, but they accept these only as temporary means of inspiration to greater effort.

The successful person has learned that "whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe the mind of man can achieve." And this person keeps on keeping on until he converts his stumbling blocks into stepping stones. He knows that with every adversity comes the seed of an equivalent benefit.

At the second danger point it may be helpful to remember that riches of the purse, without the softening influence of gratitude, may become more of a curse than a blessing.

"Remove far from me vanity and lies; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me. Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? Or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in Vain." (Proverbs 30:8-9.)

Of the two danger points, the second is by far the most treacherous. Most men can manage somehow to live with poverty, defeat and failure. But few men ever learn how to live graciously with success and overabundance of material riches.

Nearly everyone fears poverty and shuns it as best he can unless he learns that poverty can become a great and powerful incentive for personal achievement.

It should be encouraging to the poverty-stricken to remember that most of those whom the world has recognized as truly great, began in poverty, mastered it and converted it into inspiration for personal initiative.

Out of Thomas A. Edison's poverty came the greatest inventor of all times.

Out of Charles Dickens' poverty came masterpieces of literature that have enriched the world.

Out of Abraham Lincoln's poverty came what most Americans believe to have been our greatest president.

Somewhere, between the extremes of too much and too little, there is a safety point at which one may find peace of mind and a labor of love that will provide the necessities of life.

All my experience and observations of others have proved to me that this desirable half-way point is attained by those who extend the space they occupy in the hearts of others by rendering more service and better service than is expected of them.

This habit of "going the extra mile" is the one sure way by which poverty may be converted into riches, failure into success. And it is the one method which has no unpleasant repercussions.

Lastly, it may be helpful if the person who has accumulated great material riches would learn to express to the proper source, his gratitude for his good fortune, through this daily habit:

"O, Infinite Intelligence, I ask not for more riches, but for more wisdom with which to make better use of the riches I already possess in the exclusive privilege of directing my own mind to ends of my own choice."

Remember to watch what you think

Friday, September 18, 2009

Power of our mind in health

Recently I have been the most unwell I have been in my entire life. I have been run down with no energy and this past week my shoulder has had an infection. I have been asking myself what is the cause of this? What is my body trying to tell me? Then I was reminded of the power of my mind in the healing process.
There is a story that I came across:

A little while ago we had a visitor from the great state of Texas, who brought with her the largest assortment of self-prescribed drugs I have ever known one person to possess.

She carried a suitcase filled entirely with tranquilizers, aspirin, sleeping pills, bromides, stomach settlers, and nerve pills which she took at regular periods set by an alarm clock.

She ran out of one of her drugs during the night and I had to get out of bed to go down town and get her a new supply. Here was hypochondria (imaginary ailments) at its worst.

The imagination is a powerful thing. It can make people sick and it can make them well. It has been estimated that 75 per cent of the people who think they are sick have nothing wrong with them that their own minds could not correct.

Drugs, properly prescribed by skilled doctors, can be a blessing. In the field of medical research the dreaded disease of cancer is rapidly being tracked down and eventually may be brought under complete control through drugs.

But imaginary ailments which send people to the pill bottle every time they feel the slightest discomfort is a growing evil in America.

Physical pain is wonderful - wonderful because it is nature's language which every living creature understands and heeds. But the person who cuts the line of communication, when pain is sending out a hurry-up call to the brain for help, thereby affronts the Creator who gave man this very necessary signal system.

The person who needs, or thinks he needs, a "pain killer" also needs something more. He needs to find out what is causing the pain.

I have "pains" at times, but I also have a remedy which does a remarkable job of driving them away. It is a simple remedy. I get busy in my garden until I work up a healthy perspiration, or I whip up the keys of my typewriter so enthusiastically that the "pain" becomes disgusted and goes away.

I also have another remedy which serves as a sort of overall insurance against physical ailments. I keep myself so busy doing the things I like to do that physical ailments cannot get into my consciousness.

You can build up a "sound health consciousness" by a very simple procedure: every night just before going to sleep offer a prayer of gratitude for being blessed with sound health during the day.

When you arise the next morning, express the same sort of prayer for the dynamic energy and fine health you expect to enjoy throughout the day. Do this with enthusiasm and you will be surprised at what a wonderful effect it will have on your physical body as well as your mind.

Then clean out your medicine chest and throw the contents down the drain. Place a neatly printed announcement on the mirror of your medicine chest: "When I need drugs I will have my doctor prescribe them."

There may be times when you will need drugs, but you will display practical wisdom if you don't try to determine for yourself when you need them, or which ones you need. This is the work of doctors.

Of course, you can overdo the "doctor habit" also.

If you will form the habit of thinking of yourself as sound, energetic, and full of the joy of living -- and keep so busy at your work that you feel you can't afford such "luxuries" as physical illness - you will seldom need a doctor.

At birth you came into this world blessed with many miraculous things. One of these was an invisible doctor and a chemist that assimilates your food and diverts it into the health and maintenance needs of your physical body.

You can do your part in helping these servants by keeping your mind free from thoughts of physical pain and ailments.

And when you have a sleepless night, instead of rushing to the sleeping pills, try singing the little song which says, "When you are tired and can't go to sleep, count your blessings instead of sheep."

Whether ailing or not, I know of nothing that will bring peace of mind and sound health more quickly than the habit of counting one's blessings and recognizing them in a prayer of gratitude.

Each night before i retire to bed i give thanks for the day and the things I have learnt and how I have aided others. This is a new day. I am at my peak health.

I look forward to our next meeting.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Positive mental Attitude

It is often said that the rich tend to become richer and the poor to become poorer.
My own observations seem to only confirm this...

The Bible puts it this way: “For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” (Matthew 13v12)

It’s also a fact that possessions are to be used, not stored.
Whatever we own, we must use or lose.

Strange, too, is the fact that only one thing is permanent in this universe – eternal change. Nothing remains exactly the same for even a second. Even the physical body in which we live changes constantly. We are either getting on with living, or we are getting on with living.

You can test these statements against your own experience.

When a person is struggling for recognition and advancement, seldom does he find anyone to give him a boost. But once he makes the grade, people stand in line to offer him help.

Through what I call the law of harmonious attraction, like attracts like in all circumstances. Success attracts success. Failure attracts more failure. Throughout our lives we are beneficiaries or victims of a force which carries us inexorably toward success or failure.

The idea is to get on the “success beam” rather than the “failure beam.”

How can you do this? Simple. The answer lies in adopting a positive mental attitude that will help you shape the course of your own destiny rather than drifting along at the mercy of life’s adversities.

You have been endowed with power to think, to aspire, to hope, to direct your life toward any goal you seek. It’s the only thing over which you have the complete unchallenged privilege of control.

But you must embrace this prerogative – and use it – or suffer severe penalties. Truly, whatever it is we possess -- material, mental or spiritual – we must use or lose.

First, clearly define the position you want to attain in life. Then say to yourself: “I can do it . . . I can do it now.”

Chart the steps you must take to reach your goal. Take them one at a time, and you’ll find that with each piecemeal success the next step comes easier as more and more people are attracted to help you achieve your ultimate purpose.
Day by day make a list of 5 things to move you closer to your goal and you will make progress each and every day.

Remember that you can’t stand still. You must move toward success or failure. The choice is yours alone

Monday, September 14, 2009

thoughts become things

The first thing a travel agent asks you when you call is where do you want to go. In our life we have the same question being posed to us....where do we/ you want to go. I am where I am today because of the options I chose yesterday. At my level of awarness it seemed like the best option. However as things unraveled it may not have been the best option. Stephen Covey the authopr of the 7 Habits refers to begining with the end in mind. Before we even start on our goals we need to clearly have a visual image of where we are going and who we are becoming. This is important to ask because we need to continually be looking at the picture and see if we are closing the gap. We may be travelling miles and miles but unless it is on target towards where we want to go then it is of no value. I need to self check my thoughts and ask if they are leading me closer to my destination. Thoughts that we hold and feed in our mind do truely become things. Have a great day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Film Projector

Our body is much like a film projector. It is displaying/projecting the images we hold in our mind. What am i filling my mind with throughout the day? Am I getting caught up with the gossip, recession and doom and gloom that is rampant around me? I choose to create my relaity. This is the best day I have ever had. I have life. I have breath. I have hope. I have abundance. When i continue to fill my mind with these throughts my subconscious begins to act on them as it is unable to tell the difference between and real and an imagined one. That is what top athletes do...imagine the perject jump, throw and race and then on the day there body is simply projecting the thoughts of their mind. What are you thinking today?
Personal Blogs - Blog Rankings

Friday, September 4, 2009

Rabbit Hole
This is a movie looking at the power of our thoughts. It is just under 2 hours. I found that it ran without one stop, therefore a great thing for home broadband. I have tried to locate the film via DVD, but even after emailing the host site i have had to resort to only watching it here online.
Following watching the movie you will not be the same. How could I be the same after watching it. Be prepared to find new things and learn new things and most importantly..change. The things we think about are the things we create. It seems so simplistic...yet the more I study and learn about the theme the more i can see how real and true this is. Everything will stay the same until I change my thoughts and fill my mind with thoughts that will lead to change which which will result in change of actions and different results.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Water Crystals

I was reminded of the research of Dr Masaru Emoto and his investigation in regards to the fact that positive printed words had an impact on distilled water. Humans are made up from 90% water. Therefore what impact do words have on us? What thoughts do we allow to remain in our mind?
Every day we have experiences that are nutural. The only thing that makes them positive and or negative are our responces to it. Emoto's research shows that when we allow positive things to enter our mind our being changes.
Today I choose to focus in on what I am in the process of becoming.