Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Generating New Ideas
Think Differently and Spark Creativity
As mentioned in my last post we are currently getting ready to move into our new house and I have been thinking about how can we use the land to create more income options.  This reminded me about being creative and thinking of things differently. 
"We need to think differently!"
"This needs some fresh ideas!"
"We have got to be more creative around here!"
Are messages like these popping up more and more in your life?
Faced with complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations and people realise that constant, ongoing innovation is critical to stay ahead of the status quo.
This is why we need to be on the lookout for new ideas that can drive innovation, and it's why the ability to think differently, generate new ideas, and spark creativity within a team becomes an important skill. You need to work actively on building and cultivating this skill, and it can be done!
Often, though, we make the mistake of assuming that good ideas just happen. Or worse still, we get caught in the mind trap that creativity is an aptitude; some people have it, others don't. Then there is the other self-defeating belief – "I am not intelligent enough to come up with good ideas."
These assumptions are rarely true. Everyone can come up with fresh, radical ideas – you just need to learn to open your mind and think differently. This article shows you how to do so.

How to Generate New Ideas
Standard idea-generation techniques concentrate on combining or adapting existing ideas. This can certainly generate results. But here, our focus is on equipping you with tools that help you leap onto a totally different plane. These approaches push your mind to forge new connections, think differently and consider new perspectives.
A word of caution – while these techniques are extremely effective, they will only succeed if they are backed by rich knowledge of the area you're working on. This means that if you are not prepared with adequate information about the issue, you are unlikely to come up with a great idea even by using the techniques listed here.
Incidentally, these techniques can be applied to spark creativity in group settings and brainstorming sessions as well.

Breaking Thought Patterns
All of us can tend to get stuck in certain thinking patterns. Breaking these thought patterns can help you get your mind unstuck and generate new ideas. There are several techniques you can use to break established thought patterns:
  • Challenge assumptions: For every situation, you have a set of key assumptions. Challenging these assumptions gives you a whole new spin on possibilities.
  • You want to buy a house but can't since you assume you don't have the money to make a down payment on the loan. Challenge the assumption. Sure, you don't have cash in the bank but couldn't you sell some of your other assets to raise the money? Could you dip into your retirement fund? Could you work overtime and build up the kitty in six months? Suddenly the picture starts looking brighter.
  • Reword the problem: Stating the problem differently often leads to different ideas. To reword the problem look at the issue from different angles. "Why do we need to solve the problem?", "What's the roadblock here?", "What will happen if we don't solve the problem?" These questions will give you new insights. You might come up with new ideas to solve your new problem.
  • In the mid 1950s, shipping companies were losing money on freighters. They decided they needed to focus on building faster and more efficient ships. However, the problem persisted. Then one consultant defined the problem differently. He said the problem the industry should consider was "how can we reduce cost?" The new problem statement generated new ideas. All aspects of shipping, including storage of cargo and loading time, were considered. The outcome of this shift in focus resulted in the container ship and the roll-on/roll-off freighter.
  • Think in reverse-If you feel you cannot think of anything new, try turning things upside-down. Instead of focusing on how you could solve a problem/improve operations/enhance a product, consider how could you create the problem/worsen operations/downgrade the product. The reverse ideas will come flowing in. Consider these ideas – once you've reversed them again – as possible solutions for the original challenge.
  • Express yourself through different media: We have multiple intelligences but somehow, when faced with workplace challenges we just tend to use our verbal reasoning ability. How about expressing the challenge through different media? Clay, music, word association games, paint, there are several ways you can express the challenge. Don't bother about solving the challenge at this point. Just express it. Different expression might spark off different thought patterns. And these new thought patterns may yield new ideas.
Connect the Unconnected
Some of the best ideas seem to occur just by chance. You see something or you hear someone, often totally unconnected to the situation you are trying to resolve, and the penny drops in place. Newton and the apple, Archimedes in the bath tub; examples abound.
Why does this happen? The random element provides a new stimulus and gets our brain cells ticking. You can capitalize on this knowledge by consciously trying to connect the unconnected.
Actively seek stimuli from unexpected places and then see if you can use these stimuli to build a connection with your situation. Some techniques you could use are:

  • Use random input Choose a word from the dictionary and look for novel connections between the word and your problem.
  • Mind Map possible ideas: Put a key word or phrase in the middle of the page. Write whatever else comes in your mind on the same page. See if you can make any connections.
  • Pick up a picture. Consider how you can relate it to your situation.
  • Take an item. Ask yourself questions such as "How could this item help in addressing the challenge?", or "What attributes of this item could help us solve our challenge?"
Shift Perspective
Over the years we all build a certain type of perspective and this perspective yields a certain type of idea. If you want different ideas, you will have to shift your perspective. To do so:
  • Get someone else's perspective: Ask different people what they would do if faced with your challenge. You could approach friends engaged in different kind of work, your spouse, a nine-year old child, customers, suppliers, senior citizens, someone from a different culture; in essence anyone who might see things differently.
  • Play the "If I were" game: Ask yourself "If I were ..." how would I address this challenge? You could be anyone: a millionaire, Tiger Woods, anyone.
  • The idea is the person you decide to be has certain identifiable traits. And you have to use these traits to address the challenge. For instance, if you decide to play the millionaire, you might want to bring traits such as flamboyance, big thinking and risk-taking when formulating an idea. If you are Tiger Woods you would focus on things such as perfection, persistence and execution detail.
Employ Enablers
Enablers are activities and actions that assist with, rather than directly provoke, idea generation. They create a positive atmosphere. Some of the enablers that can help you get your creative juices flowing are:
  • Belief in yourself: Believe that you are creative, believe that ideas will come to you; positive reinforcement helps you perform better.
  • Creative loafing time: Nap, go for a walk, listen to music, play with your child, take a break from formal idea-generating. Your mind needs the rest, and will often come up with connections precisely when it isn't trying to make them.
  • Change of environment: Sometimes changing the setting changes your thought process. Go to a nearby coffee shop instead of the conference room in your office, or hold your discussion while walking together round a local park.
  • Shutting out distractions: Keep your thinking space both literally and mentally clutter-free. Shut off the Blackberry, close the door, divert your phone calls and then think.
  • Fun and humor: These are essential ingredients, especially in team settings.

Key Points:
The ability to generate new ideas is an essential skill today. You can acquire this skill by consciously practicing techniques that force your mind to forge new connections, break old thought patterns and consider new perspectives.
Along with practicing these techniques, you need to adopt enabling strategies too. These enabling strategies help in creating a positive atmosphere that boosts creativity.

Remember to share the wonderful breakthroughs you will experience. 


I am in the process of buying a bigger house with a bit of land. To do this I have had to move out of my comfort zone from where I currently live.  This has got me thinking about what security and fear are.

Security ... what does this word mean in relation to life as we know it today? For the most part, it means safety and freedom from worry. It is said to be the end that all men strive for; but is security a utopian goal or is it another word for rut?

Let us visualise the secure man; and by this term, I mean a man who has settled for financial and personal security for his goal in life. In general, he is a man who has pushed ambition and initiative aside and settled down, so to speak, in a boring, but safe and comfortable rut for the rest of his life. His future is but an extension of his present, and he accepts it as such with a complacent shrug of his shoulders. His ideas and ideals are those of society in general and he is accepted as a respectable, but average and prosaic man. But is he a man? has he any self-respect or pride in himself? How could he, when he has risked nothing and gained nothing? What does he think when he sees his youthful dreams of adventure, accomplishment, travel and romance buried under the cloak of conformity? How does he feel when he realizes that he has barely tasted the meal of life; when he sees the prison he has made for himself in pursuit of the almighty dollar? If he thinks this is all well and good, fine, but think of the tragedy of a man who has sacrificed his freedom on the altar of security, and wishes he could turn back the hands of time. A man is to be pitied who lacked the courage to accept the challenge of freedom and depart from the cushion of security and see life as it is instead of living it second-hand. Life has by-passed this man and he has watched from a secure place, afraid to seek anything better What has he done except to sit and wait for the tomorrow which never comes?

Turn back the pages of history and see the men who have shaped the destiny of the world. Security was never theirs, but they lived rather than existed. Where would the world be if all men had sought security and not taken risks or gambled with their lives on the chance that, if they won, life would be different and richer? It is from the bystanders (who are in the vast majority) that we receive the propaganda that life is not worth living, that life is drudgery, that the ambitions of youth must he laid aside for a life which is but a painful wait for death. These are the ones who squeeze what excitement they can from life out of the imaginations and experiences of others through books and movies. These are the insignificant and forgotten men who preach conformity because it is all they know. These are the men who dream at night of what could have been, but who wake at dawn to take their places at the now-familiar rut and to merely exist through another day. For them, the romance of life is long dead and they are forced to go through the years on a treadmill, cursing their existence, yet afraid to die because of the unknown which faces them after death. They lacked the only true courage: the kind which enables men to face the unknown regardless of the consequences.
As an afterthought, it seems hardly proper to write of life without once mentioning happiness; so we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?
If you keep doing the same things you get the same result...so what will you do different today?

Igniting Lives on Fire


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Does Need Your Attitude a Boost

I was at a leadership day on Friday and we discussed many things. One of the key things I took away was the fact that our mind is a free tool to use how we please.  One of the best ways to use this tool is to keep the mind on the things we want, and this is about having a Positive Attitude. 

Your attitude is everything. It is how you see the things around you, how you deal with the situations you face, and what you think about life. The difference between a positive and negative attitude could be the difference between a positive or negative life.

The tips below are quick and highly effective. Make use of them today and start getting results immediately.

1. Rise and Shine!
Getting up early and taking a walk in the morning is a great way to start the day. Fifteen or twenty minutes is plenty of time for a quick walk in the brisk morning air. 

2. Tomorrow is a New Day
When things aren't going the way you might like them to go, remember that as time passes, so do your troubles. At the time it may be hard to realize that things will get better, but rest assured they will.

3. Control
The only one who can give you a good attitude is you. And the great news is, it can happen whenever you want it to. You could wake up tomorrow with a brand new outlook on life. And why? Because your attitude is yours to control. You don't need permission from anyone to change it.

4. Circle of Friends
You may be trying to stay positive, but if your friends or coworkers are negative, it may make for a losing battle. The company you keep impacts your attitude greatly. Seldom will you find a group of negative thinkers and one positive attitude together. Negativity can spread, so be sure to keep clear of noticeably negative situations.

5. Healthy Diet
You have heard it a thousand times, and this will make it a thousand and one. A good diet is vital to maintaining energy, alertness, and a positive attitude. Without the necessary amounts of fuel for your body, it cannot function properly. If you find yourself in a tired and negative mood, ask yourself, 'Have I eaten yet today?'

6. Sleep
Just as important as a healthy diet is the right amount of sleep. It seems obvious but many people don't get enough sleep at night. Without rest, the body and mind become irritable, fatigued, and they drag through the day. The same effects can result from oversleeping. Make sure you get the sleep you need each night.

7. Your Hobby to the Rescue
It is important to have a fun hobby or activity that you can do when facing a problem or a long, hectic day. Sports, books, collecting, etc. are great ways to get away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy yourself.

8. Do Unto Others
It's true what they say, you get what you give. When you focus on treating others positively and with respect, you will, in most cases, receive the same treatment. Change the focus from yourself to others and let the giving spirit be the reason for your improved view of the world.

9. The Bigger Picture
When you think of the world as a whole, it may serve to downplay the obstacles in your life that cause frustration or complication. You might have it bad, but the odds are that someone else has it worse. That in itself is enough to make people thankful for what they have. 

10. Try Something New
If you feel like you're stuck and you need a way to break out, try something new. Picking up a new instrument, trying out a new sport, or discovering a new talent may add some excitement and enjoyment to your life.

11. Past Proofs
Others have successfully done what you are trying to do, and that is why you should be positive about the future. It doesn't matter what you are trying to accomplish, the chances are that someone has done it. That means you can do it too. We are all human, and we all have the same 24 hours in each day. If they can do it, so can you.

12. Stop It
If you get up on the wrong side of the bed, that doesn't mean you have to go to bed on that same wrong side. If your day begins poorly, make an effort to correct its direction. Realize you aren't happy and fix the problem. Your bad beginning could turn into a happy end.

13. You Need Bad Days
If you do have a bad day though, that's all right. Some people have trouble with that thought. They think that one bad day is not acceptable, making it even worse for them. We all have an off day. The important thing is to make sure we improve the next.

14. Write It Down
Want a positive attitude? Describe your attitude in writing. Your plan will be easier to work if you know what you want. Knowing you want a better attitude may not be enough. Get specific, plan your work, and work your plan.

15. Helping Hands
Bringing your friends and family into the picture is a great way to keep you heading in the right direction. Tell some friends about your desire for a better attitude and tell them to let you know when you are getting negative. You may not want to admit you have a negative attitude, but your friends sure will tell you.

16. Be the Optimist
Being the optimist for others can help you see the positive things in your own life. When a friend comes to you with a problem, remind yourself that you are trying to improve your attitude and make your best effort to give the most positive advice you can. It doesn't have to be overdone, but it should have a very positive flavor to it.

Make use of the above tips and you'll find yourself a true optimist in no time!

Igniting lives on Fire


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Over the past few days I have been stopping and noticing things that I may normally walk past. In life it is easy to get busy and then only focus on what we are doing rather than being aware of the things around us. 
The universe is busy talking to us, however if we don't stop and notice it then we won't make sense of it. 

You cannot understand something if you're not conscious of it. 
Some people are able to extend their conscious back to the time when they were ten years old. Others can be conscious of their birth and have full recall of their life. This is dictated by the expansiveness of the consciousness they are creating. Every consciousness has a certain amount of space and time and therefore has its limitations. For this reason it is important to remain flexible in our ability to create consciousnesses.

What is in our in our consciousness is what we can be aware of: What is outside our consciousness is that which we are unaware of and in effect of. We say it is in our unconscious. We bring something from the unconscious to the conscious by expanding our consciousness to include it.

Spiritually, our consciousness can extend through time and space as far as we intend. It is not a physical skill, therefore it is not subject to the restrictions of the physical body or the laws of the physical universe. Every person has different levels of consciousness in different areas, depending on the information they need to gather to achieve whatever it is they've decided to do. 

When we apply consciousness, we are viewing - we are simply aware. We are not doing anything. We are not thinking or altering the situation. There is no significance or judgement. Significance of any kind distorts our reality and our perception becomes inaccurate. By applying our consciousness, we are in a space outside right and wrong, outside good and bad: A space where we simply view things as they are. This is a bird's eye view, a detached view - the natural view you have as a spirit.

The difference between consciousness and perception.
If we extend our consciousness to a specific area, we can occupy with that consciousness the exact space we choose depending on the size of the playing field we require. Once we have this consciousness, we are able to apply our perception. 
Perception isolates a particular area, directing our attention like a torch that magnifies. We become aware of something specific and use our perception to understand it in detail. 

If we need to perceive across a number of areas to play a game, we simply extend our consciousness further. If a situation calls for only limited perception, our consciousness can be reduced. The more consciousness you have access to, the more freedom you have to be selective with your perception. Importantly, the more our consciousness becomes associated with the physical, the less we can apply to the spiritual. 

Consciousness and perception work hand in hand and with meditation, we can increase our skill in using both.

The restriction of only one consciousness.
A person can restrict themselves by viewing events in their life from one consciousness. This is surprisingly common. This means that they can only see things one way; from one perspective. It starts at an early age when they begin to replace their own consciousness with the consciousness of others. If they take on board particular ways of looking at things from a parent, teacher or friends enough times, they can lose touch with their own natural perception. They can then very quickly lose trust in their own consciousness and become restricted.
To return to our own natural expansive consciousness, we need to detach from those consciousnesses we've identified with: This is done by recalling the times where we've replaced our consciousnesses with ones that are not ours. By recalling these times, our natural ability to use consciousness begins to re-emerge. When we become physically, emotionally and spiritually still during Energy Conversion Meditation, we can clearly identify the consciousnesses we have adopted, and separate from the energy that binds them to us. 
If I am aware that the consciousness I am using is not me, rather, a way of looking at things, I am on the way to spiritual detachment.

Aware of being aware.
By realising there are many consciousnesses we can create, we regain the flexibility that comes with being aware of being aware. Spiritually we are not any specific awareness, we simply create a consciousness that suits each moment. Therefore we are outside of any one way of perceiving and our awareness is greatly enhanced.

Igniting Live son Fire


Sunday, June 3, 2012


"CANI" stands for Constant And Never-ending Improvement. It's an acronym that Tony developed more than a decade ago and he was influenced by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Dr. Deming is credited as one of the leaders who brought one of the first quality movements to the Japanese. His basic premise was that the secret to help the Japanese achieve world power and economic success was if every single person and organization commit to constant improvement.
The Japanese have a single word for "constant and never-ending improvement" and it's called "Kaizen." Kaizen is from the Japanese words Kai and Zen where "kai" means change and "zen" means good. Yes folks, change is good.
It is very easy to get caught up in your goals and desired end-outcomes...to the point of becoming overwhelmed. CANI offers a solution and a point of reference to focus your attention on. If all you did was improve one tiny aspect of your life every single day, you would achieve mastery in uncommon time.
This links in with many other thought teachers:
Waitley..power of 5.
Canfield...top 5
Amongst many others. 
Benefits of CANI include:
  • Creates a personal and business momentum that will be hard for your competitors to catch up with.
  • Personal satisfaction and fulfillment because it will cause you to grow personally.
  • Leads to innovation. Innovation creates leverage.
Tony Robbins once said, "We only learn our limits by going beyond them." CANI! is a principle designed to encourage you to make small incremental improvements daily...and in doing so, you will be forced to find a way to go beyond your current set of self-imposed limitations.
Which areas of your life do you want to apply the principles of CANI! Today?
o Prosperity & Financial
o Family Relationships
o Friendship Building
o Health & Fitness
o Spirituality
o Recreation & Pleasure/Joy
o Education & Career Advancement
o Public Service/Volunteering
If you define your success as a "journey" rather than an end-destination, you can take comfort in the fact that personal growth and satisfaction can come from constant and never-ending improvement (CANI!).
Igniting lives on fire


Monday, May 28, 2012


The aim of my blogs are to challenge, inspire and motivation you gain a new perspective on certain things and to look at life from a fresh point-of-view. I have no doubt that they will be of great value in helping you pursue and achieve your dreams.

As I mentioned a while ago, our first-born son, Malachi, came into the world on the 29th of February 2012. 

From that very first day of his birth I have learnt several valuable lessons and some things I took for granted before have taken on a deeper meaning and significance. As I write this he is only 3 months old, but he has taught me so much already.

I know you’re probably wondering what a 3 month old baby can teach anyone. A lot – if you are willing to learn and you can see beyond the obvious.

One evening, when I was about to go to bed, I noticed our son, Malachi, trying to reach out to grab my jersey while he was having his bed time cuddles. . The jersey was just a few inches from him and he had his left hand stretched out towards it. He had a look of intense concentration on his face. There were other objects around which were within reach, but somehow the colours of my jumper had caught his attention.Watching him trying to get it, I had no doubt from the look on his face and the way his arm was stretched out that, at that time, stretching out for his object was the only thing on his mind.

I thought to myself “hey, he has started setting goals already!” Yes, I mean that. It may seem small, but when he started reaching for the jumper, to him it was a worthy goal. He decided that he wanted the phone. He was able to focus on it and decide on his own that stretching out was the best way to get it.
I found that fascinating. At 3 months old he was able to decide what he wanted, decide how to go about getting it and even able to focus all his attention and energy on getting it. I don’t know about you, but I think he was doing a lot better than most adults!

Over time he will find he has other means to reach out and get things. Instead of just stretching out he will be able to wiggle on his belly and get closer to the object. One day he will crawl..watch our Zippy!!!(Our Dog)

There is something to be learnt in this. When you decide to do something it is not necessary to immediately think about how to go about getting it. Sooner or later, once you start the project, you will find there are other ways to get what you wanted which you did not and could not know when you started.
Deciding what you want is always the most important step. “How” comes later and, if you ask me, is the easier part.

It did not take long for me to notice, however, that Malachi would lose interest in whatever he had been trying to get soon after getting it. Once he had it in his hands he’d suck on it for a while and then allow his attention to be drawn by something else around him.  

No sooner do you get the car you want and then you decide you want a Porsche next. 

Somehow having the object is not as motivating as striving to get it. Once one goal is accomplished, you want to reach out to the next.
I think that is healthy. In pushing ourselves to get something better we are always redefining our boundaries and pushing the bar higher and higher. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should not be happy with what you have or what you have achieved.
I am saying no matter what you have or what you have achieved, you should realize that you can always do better. I think also that you should try to do more, not so much for the thing itself, but for what it does to you when you set a goal and achieve it.

Motivation essay - stretch beyond your comfort zone
Every time you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone, something about you changes. You grow. Every time you grow, you are irreversibly “stretched” to a new level of thinking and being.
Many people are living corpses today because they have stopped growing. They wonder around in life aimlessly. They could live another 10, 20 or even 50 years, but they might as well be buried today because there is nothing worthwhile they are going to do with that time. They just exist. They’re just passing time.
“I ain’t goin’ out like that.” Every year that I live I want to do something I could not do the previous year. Every year has got to be better than the previous one. Otherwise, what’s the point? That is my philosophy, and I hope you will make it yours if you haven’t already.
Motivation essay - keep Growing
Reach out – set your goal, focus on it until you achieve it and then…set another goal! The harder the better.Never stop reaching out. Never stop growing. Never stop living!

Igniting lives on fire

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Getting better and better

Just been reading a great book for the second or third time.
This is an excellent book that was written early last century. Yet the concepts have timeless principles  that echo through for us today.
I heard of someone today who recently got a finance loan and they thought that they were onto a winner as they now had extra cash to spend. 
They are in fact just spiraling into a trap.  
If you want to be better off that where you are right now, then take the ideas from this book.

Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

1. Start thy purse to fattening 2. Control thy expenditure 3. Make thy gold multiply 4. Guard thy treasures from loss 5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment 6. Insure a future income 7. Increase thy ability to earn
The Seven Ways of Filling Your Bag
1. Start filling your bag From every 10 coins you earn, spend only nine of them. You will see how your bag starts filling quickly. You will see that you can arreange anyway with this income and you will be earning money quickly.
2. Control your expenses What we call obligatory expenses grow in proportion of our income, if we don´t do something to avoid this. Don´t confuse your desire with your needs.
3. Make your gold fructify Make your gold work for you, then its sons and the sons of this sons. Investing your gold: Loans, oportunities. Gold multiplies fast.
4. Protect your gold from any lost If you have got gold, you will be tempted to invest in any atracctive proyect. Asure your capital. Its not true romantics make a fast fortune. Ask the wise people about what they know.
5. Make your property a rental investment If you can eat grapes from your vineyard and have a nice house its inspires you to finish your duties.
6. Asure future incomes Foresee some incomes for your old age and your family. For this porpuse you can buy lands and houses.
7. Increase your hability to adquire goods More knowledge we have, more money we earn.

The Five Laws of Gold

1.Gold comes easy and in greater cuantites to the man who safes the tenth part of his income for his future and family.
2.Gold works with speed and diligence for the wise owner that finds for it a productive use.
3.Gold mantains itself under the protection of prudent persons who invests with the counsils of wise people.
4.Gold scapes from people who invest without a pourpose in places that are not familiar.
5.Gold runs away from people who force gold to imposible profits and follows the seductive counsils of impostors.

It is alot better to take one step towards what you want each day.

Igniting lives on fire

Sunday, April 8, 2012



But thankfully I read, and something I read reminded me of:
The going is always hard on the road to greatness. If success were easy, everyone would achieve it. 

NFL All-Pro lineman Brian Holloway recalled that when he was playing for the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Raiders, there wasn’t a single day when he didn’t feel like giving up because the road was too tough and the sacrifices were too great. 

He didn’t quit, of course; he was willing to pay the price because he was determined to succeed. True thoroughbreds never quit. Competition only spurs them, and obstacles merely reinforce their determination to succeed. If you have not yet achieved greatness in your life, it is because you have been willing to settle for less. You may not cross the finish line first every time you try, but if you stay in the race, you will eventually prevail. 
At the moment I am reminding myself of the importance of keeping the momentum going.

Anyone can quit when the going is hard, but a thoroughbred never quits until he wins.


Thursday, April 5, 2012


Consider the Consequences

The mark of the superior thinker is his or her ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing something. The potential consequences of any task or activity are the key determinants of how important it really is to you and to your company. This way of evaluating the significance of a task is how you determine what your next frog really is.
Long Time Perspective
 Doctor Edward Banfield of Harvard University, after more than 50 years of research, concluded that "long time perspective" is the most accurate single predictor of upward social and economic mobility in America. Long time perspective turns out to be more important than family background, education, race, intelligence, connections or virtually any other single factor in determining your success in life and at work.
 Your attitude toward time, your "time horizon," has an enormous impact on your behavior and your choices. People who take the long view of their lives and careers always seem to make much better decisions about their time and activities than people who give very little thought to the future.
Think About Your Future
 Successful people have a clear future orientation. They think five, ten and twenty years out into the future. They analyze their choices and behaviors in the present to make sure that they are consistent with the long-term future that they desire.
 In your work, having a clear idea of what is really important to you in the long term makes it much easier for you to make better decisions about your priorities in the short term.
Determine the Consequences
 By definition, something that is important has long-term potential consequences. Something that is unimportant has few or no long-term potential consequences. Before starting on anything, you should always ask yourself, "What are the potential consequences of doing or not doing this task?"
 The clearer you are about your future intentions, the greater influence that clarity will have on what you do in the moment. With a clear long-term vision, you are much more capable of evaluating an activity in the present and to assure that it is consistent with where you truly want to end up.
Make It a Top Priority
 If there is a task or activity with large potential positive consequences, make it a top priority and get started on it immediately. If there is something that can have large potential negative consequences if it is not done quickly and well, that becomes a top priority as well. Whatever your frog is, resolve to gulp it down first thing.
Keep Motivated
 Motivation requires motive. The greater the positive potential impact that an action or behavior of yours can have on your life, once you define it clearly, the more motivated you will be to overcome procrastination and get it done quickly.
 Thinking continually about the potential consequences of your choices, decisions and behaviors is one of the very best ways to determine your true priorities in your work and personal life.
Action Exercises
 Review your list of tasks, activities and projects regularly. Continually ask yourself, “Which one project or activity, if I did it in an excellent and timely fashion, would have the greatest positive impact on my life?”
 Whatever it is that can help you the most, set it as a goal, make a plan to achieve it and go to work on your plan immediately. Remember the wonderful words of Goethe, “Just begin and the mind grows heated; continue, and the task will be completed!”


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wise persons are those who think twice before speaking once.

Wise persons are those who think twice before speaking once.

I have not entered a posting for a few weeks because I have been enjoying the arrival of our new baby boy Malachi.  I have enjoyed getting to know him and this has reminded me of the importance of listening before I speak.
I am no way an expert in child raising, therefore I have had to listen a lot more than I have had to speak over the past while.
This is also the greatest quality in a leader and the most valuable skill in building relationships is the ability to think before you speak. If you have a tendency to speak hastily you come to regret your actions very often at a later date, the childhood admonition to count to ten before speaking will still serve you well. When you pause — if only for a moment — to consider the consequences, you may think better of what you were about to say. And if you must speak strongly, it’s a good idea to sugarcoat the words — just in case you have to eat them later.
But more importantly, if we listen rather than speak, it is amazing what new insights we will get rather than always offering our opinion.

Its good to be back.
Remember:  Ignite the fire within.


Sunday, January 8, 2012


We are now one week into the new year and you might be looking around you and noticing how organised people around you are. Maybe--your mother, roommate, co-workers--always seem so organized? Like they were born that way?

While others--often defined as creative or spontaneous-- need constant reminders if there's any hope of getting anything done? Like a sticky note on the bathroom mirror saying, 'brush and floss.'

Even if you're not born organized, you can look and feel like you are. How? By acting that way. By changing what you do so it reflects how you want to be. And how do you do that? By working to develop routines like those of our friends and family who were 'just born that way'.

1) What's Important? Goals

What is most important to you? Keeping your house spotless? Knitting afghans for your best friends' babies? Running every morning? Volunteering at your kids' school? Your goals are the basis of your routines. Success isn't a one off event, its lots of little things done over and over. 

2) What's Urgent? Priorities

What are the tasks that you can't put off or delegate to someone else? Driving morning carpool? Working your 9-to-5 job? Taking your mother-in-law to weekly medical appointments? Your priorities are an important part of your routines.

3) What Comes First?

What are the tasks that have to be done first thing when you get up? Dressing quickly for morning carpool? Brushing and flossing? Starting that pot of coffee that helps you get moving? These will be the first steps of your daily routine.

4) What Comes Next?

Then what do you have to do? Wake the kids? Take the dog out? Fix breakfast? These will be the next steps of your daily routine.

5) Making Lists

List your 'what comes first' tasks. Then add your 'what comes next' tasks. Next come your goals. Followed by your priorities.

6) Checking it Twice

Read through your list several times, making sure you've included everything that you really have to get done, and everything that you really, really want to do. Your list might have 20 tasks. It might have 80. Don't worry. You don't have to do these tasks--at least for now. Just get them on your list.

7) Organizing Routines by Time of Day

Divide your day into several segments that make sense to you. Perhaps your day divides into AM; Noon; PM; and Evening. Or into four-hour segments such as 6 to 10; 10 to 2; 2 to 6; and 6 to 10.

8) Dividing Routines into Steps

Now mark, color code, or number your tasks by which segment they belong in. Most will be obvious. Morning car pool has to be in the AM or 6 to 10 segment. Others are tasks you usually do at one time of day or another. Mark these for any time segment, or even have an additional category for 'anytime' tasks.

9) Starting Small

Make your first daily routine list short. At least three items; but no more than five. For example, the five items on your list will start with the first two tasks for your morning routine, followed by one goal and two priorities. Your starting small list might be: (1) brush and floss; (2) start coffee; (3) take morning run; (4) drive morning car pool; and (5) check in with mother-in-law.

10) Building a Foundation

The goal of this exercise is to establish daily routines. At this point it is not to see how many tasks you can complete before you fall into bed exhausted at midnight. By completing the five tasks on your list every day without fail you will start to develop your routine muscle. It's generally believed that it takes about three or four weeks to make or break a habit. So, keep working at your short list of daily routines for that long.

11) Keeping Track

For the first few days, completing the same tasks one right after the other may be difficult, even if your list is only three or four or five tasks long . But keep at it. Possibly even make a chart, checking off the tasks as completed or writing the number of tasks completed.

12) Getting Better

As you find you're able to complete all the tasks on your short list, start adding more tasks, going as slowly or as quickly as feels comfortable to you. You're not in a race. You're developing routines. You're building habits. You have nothing to prove to anyone -- not even yourself.

13) Falling Behind

One day you might complete 20 tasks on a list of 30. Another day you might get stalled after your original five. Or even your first task. We all do. Developing routines is difficult, especially when we're not used to doing things in the same order every day.

14) Not Getting Discouraged

Don't let yourself get discouraged. You can develop routines. Even if you've spent your entire life of 20 or 30 or 60 years doing things as you think of them. Or putting them off for another day or week or month. You just need to keep at it. One day you'll discover that you're completing five or even 25 tasks without even looking at your list.

15) Forgiving Yourself

Even if you drop down to just that first item on your list, don't start dumping on yourself. You would be supportive if it was your best friend who was trying to develop routines, so be a good friend and forgive yourself.

16) Starting Over

Perhaps you've worked your way up to completing 20 items on your 30-item checklist. Perhaps you're still working on five. And then you find yourself in a slump. Several days pass by when urgent items take up all of your time. Or you're depressed for a week. Or your kids are sick. Just start over again when you can. Start by doing the first task on your list. Or the first two. The number doesn't matter. Completing your daily routine checklist does. Even if there is only one item on that checklist.

Soon someone will say about you, 'Oh, he was just born organized.' 
Igniting lives on fire

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Make Your Resolutions a Reality

Happy New Year!

Every year you set new goals for yourself. If you’re like most people, by February, your resolve is waning, and by May you don’t even remember your resolutions. Then, on Dec. 31, you berate yourself saying, How did I waste a whole year?

My passion is helping people get more out of each day, rather than repeating themselves, therefore today I have listed some ideas to help.
This year can be different! Pick only two or three strategies from the list below and implement them today. Then, instead of scolding yourself on Dec. 31, 2012, you’ll be able to say, Look how much I accomplished this year!
  • Write it down. You’ve heard it before, but the truth is writing down your goals forces you to get clear about what you want. Use a pen and paper (you can transfer it to your computer later). That simple physical act helps cement the desire in your brain.  Review them often- daily is best. 
  • Find a replacement. In The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy explains one way to break a bad habit is to replace it with a good one. What can you choose to add to your life that will fill the void left by eliminating a bad habit? For example, replace TV time with family time, sweets with fresh fruit, talk radio with inspiring audios.Have a personal Professional Development plan with a list of books and audios you would liek to read or listen to. 
  • Tell someone. Talking about your goal—even if it seems huge and impossible—allows others to encourage and help you by providing resources and information you may need. Napoleon Hill refers to a mastermind team.  This is an amazing thing to use. 
  • Take baby steps every day. Even small steps taken toward your goal consistently will move you in the right direction. Once you experience a few small wins, taking bigger steps becomes easier.
  • Take some BIG steps. Don’t take all year to do what you can accomplish in a day. Once you’ve written down your list of goals for the year, figure out which goals could be accomplished this month—or even today.
  • Decide and act. Mental hurdles may keep you from making decisions and taking action. Get over it! Make a list of all the reasons you want to accomplish your stated goal. Refer to that list when indecision or inaction threatens to take control.
  • Team up. Even if you don’t share the same goal, having a “success buddy” can keep you accountable. Meet weekly (in person or by phone) to check in on and encourage each other.
  • Celebrate your successes. Every time you reach a milestone, acknowledge your accomplishments in a positive way. For example, if you drop a dress size, buy a new outfit. If you pick up a new client, have dinner with a mentor. Celebrating your success will keep you focused on the larger goal.
I hope you have a great year and remember to let me know how you get on as you make strides in your year.


Igniting Lives on Fire