Monday, September 20, 2010


It’s amazing how things can change in an instant. Last month I spoke on the importance of valuing the time with important people in our lives. Over the past few weeks there have been many challenges that have shaken and changed many lives throughout the country. Christchurch experienced an earthquake, Southland was caught by the large snow storm and locally we had the stormy weather over the past couple of weeks. So too in our personal day to day lives we can be shaken by storms of varying magnitudes. No matter what we do in life we are going to experience storms. There are going to be things that happen, no matter what we do. However when we are able to persevere in life and get through the hard times we will have a fulfilling life that is going to be worthwhile. This is more than anything that we can ask for in life. Being able to proceed with life and make the most of what you are doing in life will make you a happier person too. The first thing that you have to do is make sure that you are willing to keep a positive outlook in life. You need to be reminded of the good things that are going on in your life. Being able to handle the hard times is going to be a struggle for some. It is not always easy to have the ability to get through the hard times. You need to be emotionally and physically stable so that you are able to persevere through this time. There is no reason to get discouraged. You can be positive and not have to get down on the bad times that are going to happen in your life. Remember storms are going to come, how prepared are you to keep safe throughout this time?

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