Sunday, August 30, 2009


WE cant control what others do to us, but we can control what we do in responce. Are you like my car keys? When i drop them they fall to the table where they remain till someone picks them up. Are you like that? You remain on a high till you are in a low and thats where you stay until you are picked up by someone else? Or are you like the bouncy ball? When a bouncy ball hits the table it bounces right bqack. You have the choice to be up and or down. You choose your responce. Choose to be always looking for the good, dont leave it to others to make a difference.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I came across a piece of literature that contained an idea that changed my life. It explained that every thing around us that has been made by human beings is the expression of an idea, and that you and I have the ability to create ideas. Think about... it, every company, regardless of how large it may be, is nothing but the expression of a single idea that was once in the mind of one person.
What will you do today?

Interesting reading

I came across a piece of literature that contained an idea that changed my life. It explained that every thing around us that has been made by human beings is the expression of an idea, and that you and I have the ability to create ideas. Think about it, every company, regardless of how large it may be, is nothing but the expression of a single idea that was once in the mind of one person. Unfortunately with most people their ideas are still born. They never breathe the stuff of life into them.

What a thought? To die without knowing what we could acomplish in our life....This is our day. We need to take steps towards our dreams an goals daily.


I have been watching Beyond the Secret over the past week. It is quite different from the Secret. However it continues to build on the great series. The group discuss the importance of visualising and then they highlight the fact that we must take action on our goals. They wont happen by merely thnking. However if we take one step each day we have begun on the journey.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


What do you believe? Where do these thoughts come from? For a long time I have held the thought that it was a sin to be rich. I though having money was evil. However as i have looked at what i believe and why i believe it i have started to walk into freedom. Just image that you are walking to the car and you hear foot steps behind you. Your first belief is that it is some stalker from the local neighbourhood. You start to walk faster and faster. As you increase your pace so does the foot steps behind you. The steps are running behind you. You are about to scream when you hear the person call out your name. You turn to find that it is a work make running to catch you before you went away for the weekend. What caused the confusion. Your belief. The thoughts we think are vital to what we do and achieve. Keep an eye out as i add to the blog ideas and suggestions on how to get laser focused and achieve all that you can.