Sunday, January 31, 2010


For the past month I have been reading the chapter titled persistance in Think and Grow rich. It is amazing when you read something 31 times how many differnt pieces of information you can glean from it. The main things I read and saw where that it it important to have clarity in what we want. It is too hard to keep on keeping on when we are unsure of what we want. Therefore make sure you are clear. Just like a strong fire generates intense heat so too does someone who is clear about what they want will create intense heat. The second major point that jumped out to me was the fact that we need to flood our mind with thoughts of the end product. Dont waste time allowing negative thoughts coming into our mind. Just hone in on our dreams and goals. What will the final outcome look like? Image this as often as we can in full detail. The sub conscious will translate this for us into the physical. Stop allowing our thoughts to drift on what ever comes to mind. Be purposeful and intentful. Choose what you think. It will take time. Don't worry if it seems hard at the start. A marathon is run one step at a time...therefore take your time and do one step one thing at a time.
It is is the best year ever. jan maybe over...don't let that stop you chasing what you are after. Persistance is the key.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blank Page

A new year has well and truely arrived. I hope you are well and are well on your way towards your new year goals. Now that the NY has started I have reduced what I am pursuing. I think in the past one of my down falls has been me casing after too many things nad not honing in after a few really well. This is alos highlighted by Dr Hill who comments that the stronger the fire the bigger the fire. When I am truely passionate about something I will see it through. The blank page represents an idea. Truely master one thing at a time before moving off onto another thing. This was it helps build experience and stil at that level rather than chasing this and that.