Thursday, October 13, 2011


Do you ever feel like there are parts of you saying yes, while other parts are holding you back? There is a cast of characters that live inside of us all and at different times we may be run by one voice over another. (almost like the 2 angels). The key question here is this. If you are committed to being successful, how can you put your dreamer and visionary at the helm, on a day-to-day basis? If you can turn the volume up on the voice of the dreamer, and the volume down on the voice of the doubter, you will create more opportunities for greater success with greater ease. What are the voices saying inside of your head? Who are the people in your life and on your team who might be playing these roles? Imagine that your dream is to take risk, a big risk that could really grow your business. Perhaps you would change jobs, an assistant or move to a bigger space. Here's how these voices might typically respond. Doubter - This voice is often heard saying such things as, "I don't think that's a good idea." "I have my doubts." Even "bad idea." If you were to really crank the volume up on this voice it could turn into a real annihilator saying things like, "Are you out of your mind?" Realist - "Be realistic..." If we turn the doubter down a bit, it becomes the voice of a realist. Realists aren't bad, as a matter of fact, they are important for they require evidence and solid plans. The way to deal with this voice is to give it what it needs. If you ignore it, or worse reject it, it can cleverly sabotage you. Being realistic often offers prudence and makes us do our homework. However, if you are overly realistic you may kill the passion around your dream. Dreamer - Once the realist is fed (with facts and strategies) there is room for the dreamer. The dreamer says, "What if..." (the doubter often says, "But what if...") The dreamer imagines what is possible, is an opportunist, believes in the dream and finds creative outlets. Dreamers talk about their dreams in a powerful way, with clarity and intention. Serious dreamers build Dream Teams as they get others excited about their vision. And most importantly, dreamers take action to make their dreams a reality. Visionary - This voice says, "Anything is possible, let's dream big!" You know these people. These are the folks we look up to and admire. Setbacks or failures do not stop them. They have learned the process of realizing their dreams and now they embody what it means to be a big dreamer. Simply put, a visionary has a vision and they invite others to join them. Often people are so inspired by this visionary that they ask to participate. People enroll themselves when they are in the presence of a true visionary. A visionary is not defined by the size of the dream, for dreams come in all sizes and areas of life. If you were truly living your dream, even your "dream come true life," how would it be? What do you see yourself doing, where are you doing it, and who is doing it with you? How many lives would you touch and how many people would you help?

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