Sunday, October 4, 2009


I was listening to an audio excert by napoleon Hill today and a phrase that he said made me sit up and listen. He said something along the lines of "...when i was being coached by Andrew Carengie I.." It was just the words that he used...coached. I have always associated the two of them working hand in hand yet I had never seen it from this angle.
Anthony Robbins comments that you find someone who has done what you want and then copy them. What about Tiger Woods? He is coached not by someone who is better than him but by someone who can help get the best out of him. I have been thinking recently that coaches should be further along the journey that However this isnt the case. They can be in a plce to help us get to the best place we can.
Everyday/night i review what I have done..asking what have i learnt? How hae i improved? A new question I will be adding is what have the people around me taught me today. No thing (Nothing) happens by mere is al aimed at helping us be the best we can. However am I, are you stopping and noticing the messages the universe is sending?

Here is a link for a great video on coaching.



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