What do you say to your self when you look in the mirror? What things do you see? Do you see someone merely looking back dreding what lies ahead of you this day? Do you see a fire burning from within eagerly wanting to get stuck into the day?
No matter what our definitation if success is, our self talk to the man in the mirror is vital. We must be like our own body/ mind guard.
The aim of a bouncer is to keep unwanted people out of the area. Therefore we too must ensure we don't have unwanted thoughts entering our body too. We can underpin years of work if we allow the wrong thoughts to enter our mind.
What if I am just living day to day?
Then being living the life you want in your mind. Don't wait for the big break. Create it. Start by grooming yourself to the highest standard today. Don't wiat for Sunday to dress your best. No longer let the people around you set the standard. You be the change you want. Start seeing yourself walking, talking and breathing as you will be and in fact as you are in the process of becoming.
The time you spend in front of the mirror is vital.. The thoughts you think and the words you say are shaping the day that is unfolding in front of you.
There used to be an advertisment of a cat looking into mirror. What was reflected in the mirrow was not a kitten but an adult lion. He had insight. What are you seeing? What are you saying? You were born for this day. Start projecting ideas, thoughts and concepts to the man in the mirror.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
When are the times that you feel most special? If you look back throughout the week and or past few months I bet the times that you have remembered is when you have been with someone 1-1 and you felt like you were the most amazing person on the planet. Why were you feeling like that? I believe it is simply because you were being listening to on a deeper level.
Level 1 thinking is the general thinking and idle chit chat that is used int he cafe etc. This is fine for many of our conversations. At this level the mind is thinking of how to reply, whats for lunch, what clothing they are wearing. The inward chatter is very loud and can distract us from solely focusing on the other person.
Level 2 is where we are more tuned into the other person. We are noticing their body language, things they refer to without stating it. It is a place where their voice is louder than the chatter in our mind and they are becoming more of the focus.
Level 3
This is were we focus solely on the other person. We are in tune with them. Our total focus inward and outward is on them. They feel like they are the most important person in the world. This week I challenge you to reflect on what depth of thinking you are displaying?
Are you moving through the different levels or are you always at 2-3?
Remember there is a time and place for all 3. Its just a matter of being aware of what we are doing and noticing how we can adapt to the different environments we encounter.
Till next time.
Level 1 thinking is the general thinking and idle chit chat that is used int he cafe etc. This is fine for many of our conversations. At this level the mind is thinking of how to reply, whats for lunch, what clothing they are wearing. The inward chatter is very loud and can distract us from solely focusing on the other person.
Level 2 is where we are more tuned into the other person. We are noticing their body language, things they refer to without stating it. It is a place where their voice is louder than the chatter in our mind and they are becoming more of the focus.
Level 3
This is were we focus solely on the other person. We are in tune with them. Our total focus inward and outward is on them. They feel like they are the most important person in the world. This week I challenge you to reflect on what depth of thinking you are displaying?
Are you moving through the different levels or are you always at 2-3?
Remember there is a time and place for all 3. Its just a matter of being aware of what we are doing and noticing how we can adapt to the different environments we encounter.
Till next time.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
When the only tool you own is a hammer, everything you see is a nail. What are we using to help us fufill our goals and choices each day? I have been reflecting on where I am at over the past few days and I have released I have been limiting my tools in my life tool box. I have been only seeing things as a problem rather than flipping them and saying how can this be used to enhance not only my life but also the lives of those around me. A builder who builds a house has many tools which may be used daily but he also has a small selection of tools that are only used at certain times for certain jobs. So too we are much alike a builder. We are following a plan as we create a life rather than a building. So too we have many tools we normally rely on but there are times we need special skills and tools to get the fiddly jobs done. Why flounder through life wondering what if? The other day i overhead a statement....someone asked what was the plans for the day? The reply was...we will see what the day brings. HELL NO...The day will hold this and this and this and that. Live each day to our plan otherwise we are merely filling in time. Lets make it our best day ever by using all the tools to make our life the best they can be.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I was sitting in with a group of children the other day. I was amazed at how well they were able to sit for 30 minutes without moving and or fidgetting. They didn't have to nudge and or chat and talk to the person beside them. It was like they were in a trance. Where were they? They were watching a Cartoon short show on a big screen in a hall. These same children can normally be very restless and fiddle and talk. They were like a different bunch of children today. They were the same people that are normally there. What caused the change? These children had been captervated and even though they werent engaged they were in trance like states. What a delight to see how this relates to us. We also have a choice. We too have to choose what we focus on. We too have achoice on what we will give our attention to. There may be times we have to endure something we arent too fond of. Thats fine as its not the end all and be all of it all. Just like they children were engaged. What are you engaged in today. Just as Moses did many years ago with the burning Bush. Whats has caught your attention? What are you focusing on? Choose be laser focused and move towards a fixed aima nd or purpose. This is our day. Lets focus on something worthwhile.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Food for thought
I just finished spending 2 days recovering from a belt of illness. I came accross this article by Darren Hardy the editor of the success magazine. I thought it was worth sharinf. Especially since I wasn't feeling too well.
Tips for becoming what you want:
1. Be real, be transparent, be authentic and be yourself… I mean your REAL self. Too often people spend incredible amounts of energy trying to project themselves as something they’re not. Most of their conversation is spent trying to impress and they think they have everyone snookered.
Here is the reality: no one is fooled. People are always transparent… even when they think they aren’t. I’m sure you meet people all the time who say all the right things, look the part, but you just know, in your gut, even if you can’t put your intellectual finger on it, that they are full of hooey.
We are all intuitive and sensitive beings. We can feel the truth. We can sense authenticity and we can sense when it isn’t present. Projecting pretense only pushes people away from you—quickly and regularly. Your real self—the one that isn’t king of the hill, has fears, is concerned about family and has a genuine passion for a product, service or helping other people succeed—is far more attractive to people than anything else.
I think the era of “fake it till you make it” of the ‘80s and ‘90s has passed. People are smarter today and more than ever are looking for authenticity. Now let me be clear, no matter where you are in your business, in your financial success or in life, I DO want you to start dressing the part and walking the walk. I want you to start representing your elevated self. I want those things to be demonstrations of your new commitment to be better, show up better and live better. I’m talking about not fibbing on the truth.
2. Treat people… like people. I remember a mentor of mine when I was in real estate corrected me on this. I was having a discussion and I showed him my “Hit List” of target prospects. He said, “Hit List? Who wants to be your next HIT?! These are real people, real families, who will be going through one of the most emotional transactions of their life, involving the most valuable asset they own—their home. Not until this list is considered the list of those families whom you will help, protect and fight for next, will they be interested in what you have to say.” That was great advice. It is not just semantics; it is an entirely different philosophy, mindset and emotional approach to every conversation and human interaction.
Don’t treat people like targets, capital, pawns or even prospects or just customers. Treat people like people… people with real desires, fears, hopes, wishes, worries, dreams and ambitions… just like you.
3. Take a sincere interest in other people. The best way to do this is to talk less and listen more. Make fewer statements, ask more questions. Everyone wants to work on their script: What do I say? Instead, it’s better to work on your questions. What questions will draw people out so they talk about their real values, interests, hopes and desires. Once others express what they really want, it’s much easier to match your potential solution to their real and personally expressed needs.
4. Always be positive. Be the one who brightens a room and every conversation you enter. It is easy to pile on to a complaint fest or add to the rousing gossip, but you will actually be perceived better by others if you don’t join them in that talk.
I am always supremely impressed when I witness someone turn down the opportunity to talk negatively about someone else, even if it would have been only to agree with the one speaking or join the company of misery talk.
Let your reputation and brand become those of positivity, grace and class. These rare qualities are what people look for in others. Be the standout.
5. Recognize others. Give people honest and sincere appreciation. Take a page from Catherine the Great’s book: “Praise loudly, blame softly.” Catch people doing things right and acknowledge them. Congratulate others on their accomplishments; celebrate others’ victories. Find at least a dozen ways to compliment, congratulate or appreciate someone else’s work, contribution or successes every day.
Be so busy giving other people recognition that you don’t need any yourself. Do that and people will swarm to you like bees to honey.
6. Give. Most people are only after getting… and they wonder why they don’t. Look for ways to contribute, provide, help, offer and assist. This goes back to the golden rule of relationships that Zig Ziglar taught us, “You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Give first, give often and give last. Give, give and give.
I see my relationships as bank accounts (psychologically, not emotionally), the more I deposit the more valuable I am to that person and the more I have on account with them. There might come a time when I need to make a small withdrawal, but I always want to be on the positive side of the ledger. My objective is to create a great surplus of wealth in as many accounts (or people) as possible by depositing as much as I can as often as I can.
I hope you enjoyed some fresh food for thought from Darren.
Tips for becoming what you want:
1. Be real, be transparent, be authentic and be yourself… I mean your REAL self. Too often people spend incredible amounts of energy trying to project themselves as something they’re not. Most of their conversation is spent trying to impress and they think they have everyone snookered.
Here is the reality: no one is fooled. People are always transparent… even when they think they aren’t. I’m sure you meet people all the time who say all the right things, look the part, but you just know, in your gut, even if you can’t put your intellectual finger on it, that they are full of hooey.
We are all intuitive and sensitive beings. We can feel the truth. We can sense authenticity and we can sense when it isn’t present. Projecting pretense only pushes people away from you—quickly and regularly. Your real self—the one that isn’t king of the hill, has fears, is concerned about family and has a genuine passion for a product, service or helping other people succeed—is far more attractive to people than anything else.
I think the era of “fake it till you make it” of the ‘80s and ‘90s has passed. People are smarter today and more than ever are looking for authenticity. Now let me be clear, no matter where you are in your business, in your financial success or in life, I DO want you to start dressing the part and walking the walk. I want you to start representing your elevated self. I want those things to be demonstrations of your new commitment to be better, show up better and live better. I’m talking about not fibbing on the truth.
2. Treat people… like people. I remember a mentor of mine when I was in real estate corrected me on this. I was having a discussion and I showed him my “Hit List” of target prospects. He said, “Hit List? Who wants to be your next HIT?! These are real people, real families, who will be going through one of the most emotional transactions of their life, involving the most valuable asset they own—their home. Not until this list is considered the list of those families whom you will help, protect and fight for next, will they be interested in what you have to say.” That was great advice. It is not just semantics; it is an entirely different philosophy, mindset and emotional approach to every conversation and human interaction.
Don’t treat people like targets, capital, pawns or even prospects or just customers. Treat people like people… people with real desires, fears, hopes, wishes, worries, dreams and ambitions… just like you.
3. Take a sincere interest in other people. The best way to do this is to talk less and listen more. Make fewer statements, ask more questions. Everyone wants to work on their script: What do I say? Instead, it’s better to work on your questions. What questions will draw people out so they talk about their real values, interests, hopes and desires. Once others express what they really want, it’s much easier to match your potential solution to their real and personally expressed needs.
4. Always be positive. Be the one who brightens a room and every conversation you enter. It is easy to pile on to a complaint fest or add to the rousing gossip, but you will actually be perceived better by others if you don’t join them in that talk.
I am always supremely impressed when I witness someone turn down the opportunity to talk negatively about someone else, even if it would have been only to agree with the one speaking or join the company of misery talk.
Let your reputation and brand become those of positivity, grace and class. These rare qualities are what people look for in others. Be the standout.
5. Recognize others. Give people honest and sincere appreciation. Take a page from Catherine the Great’s book: “Praise loudly, blame softly.” Catch people doing things right and acknowledge them. Congratulate others on their accomplishments; celebrate others’ victories. Find at least a dozen ways to compliment, congratulate or appreciate someone else’s work, contribution or successes every day.
Be so busy giving other people recognition that you don’t need any yourself. Do that and people will swarm to you like bees to honey.
6. Give. Most people are only after getting… and they wonder why they don’t. Look for ways to contribute, provide, help, offer and assist. This goes back to the golden rule of relationships that Zig Ziglar taught us, “You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” Give first, give often and give last. Give, give and give.
I see my relationships as bank accounts (psychologically, not emotionally), the more I deposit the more valuable I am to that person and the more I have on account with them. There might come a time when I need to make a small withdrawal, but I always want to be on the positive side of the ledger. My objective is to create a great surplus of wealth in as many accounts (or people) as possible by depositing as much as I can as often as I can.
I hope you enjoyed some fresh food for thought from Darren.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
I have been busy reading a book The Miracle Of Right Thought by Orison Swett Marden. It was written over a hundred years but you would think it had been written today. The principles are everlasting. They have been echoing throughout my mind as I have been plastered on my own bed as I have been suddendly struck down with ilness and was bedridden. I only was able to rise once in a while to grab some fresh air otherwise I have slept for close to 2 days as I have allowed my body to heal it self. I personally am not a fan of the things offered by doctors. I personally believe I am able to heal myself through training my mind to think on healling and wholeness. This is much of what is in this book. The things which doctors give us are quick fixes and addititives and not aimed at long term improvement. If you havent read any of his material then grab a copy and be ready to be cahalleneged and changed.
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