It is often said that the rich tend to become richer and the poor to become poorer.
My own observations seem to only confirm this...
The Bible puts it this way: “For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” (Matthew 13v12)
It’s also a fact that possessions are to be used, not stored.
Whatever we own, we must use or lose.
Strange, too, is the fact that only one thing is permanent in this universe – eternal change. Nothing remains exactly the same for even a second. Even the physical body in which we live changes constantly. We are either getting on with living, or we are getting on with living.
You can test these statements against your own experience.
When a person is struggling for recognition and advancement, seldom does he find anyone to give him a boost. But once he makes the grade, people stand in line to offer him help.
Through what I call the law of harmonious attraction, like attracts like in all circumstances. Success attracts success. Failure attracts more failure. Throughout our lives we are beneficiaries or victims of a force which carries us inexorably toward success or failure.
The idea is to get on the “success beam” rather than the “failure beam.”
How can you do this? Simple. The answer lies in adopting a positive mental attitude that will help you shape the course of your own destiny rather than drifting along at the mercy of life’s adversities.
You have been endowed with power to think, to aspire, to hope, to direct your life toward any goal you seek. It’s the only thing over which you have the complete unchallenged privilege of control.
But you must embrace this prerogative – and use it – or suffer severe penalties. Truly, whatever it is we possess -- material, mental or spiritual – we must use or lose.
First, clearly define the position you want to attain in life. Then say to yourself: “I can do it . . . I can do it now.”
Chart the steps you must take to reach your goal. Take them one at a time, and you’ll find that with each piecemeal success the next step comes easier as more and more people are attracted to help you achieve your ultimate purpose.
Day by day make a list of 5 things to move you closer to your goal and you will make progress each and every day.
Remember that you can’t stand still. You must move toward success or failure. The choice is yours alone
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