Friday, March 4, 2011

What are my options?

Throughout the past week I have been in Christchurch talking with the people who expereinced the 6.3 quake. So many different stories of hope and delight. Yet their were just as many, if not more questions. A normally bustling city was airy and quite. So much time to think and ponder.
I was asking myself if I were here all the time, what would be gong through my mind.
I came home yesterday and came across this list of things to make today great. A good reminder.

1. Positive Mental Attitude: When you awake each morning recite the affirmation "I feel healthy, I feel happy, I feel terrific!" Do this several times mentally and even out loud and see how your day goes. Give it time. You might commit to a 30 day trial period.
2. Sound Physical Health: Each day decide to eat healthy choices - at least for the meal you are currently having. No need to plan a month's menu - just remind yourself that you are the custodian of your own health, and that as caregiver you want to always select the best available options each day at every meal.
3. Harmony in Human Relationships: Instead of initiating a disagreement, initiate a solution. Refrain from combative behavior. Work toward collaboration.
4. Freedom from Fear: Little fears can lead to enormous ones. Always remember faith is the opposite of fear. Act in faith instead of failing to act due to fear.
5. The Hope of Achievement: Inspire yourself by creating a dream of your own to conceive, believe, and achieve.
6. The Capacity for Faith: Stretch your mind to embrace choices made with faith as the backbone to your decision. Soon you could sprout wings!
7. Willingness to Share One's Blessings: Make someone else's day. Focus on being the bearer of goodness instead of the recipient.
8. A Labor of Love: Do something each day that you love to do and would do regardless of the compensation.
9. An Open Mind on All Subjects: Say "yes" to an invitation that you would rather decline because you are not sure you would enjoy it.
10. Self-Discipline: Do a little more, work a little harder, tackle the dreaded task for the sake of showing yourself who is your real boss.
11. The Capacity to Understand People: Learn to enjoy the company of diverse groups of people. Be all-embracing rather than exclusionary.
12. Financial Security: Make setting aside money for a future purpose a game of sorts that represents gratification - but at a later date. Mark savings on a calendar with an ending date and final amount in mind. You are not denying yourself, but rewarding yourself on a designated date.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

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