The new year seems an age ago and I guess many of you you are thinking already same old same old.
Unless we do something different we will end up with the same result...therefore we must change and be and do what we want.
"We generate our own environment. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we resent a life we've created ourselves? Who's to blame, who's to credit but us? Who can change it, anytime we wish, but us?"
— Richard Bach
Every one of us lives in two Environments— our Outer Environment and our Inner Environment. Your Outer Environment consists of your Home and Work lives; your Inner Environment consists of your Emotional and Spiritual lives.
Your Quality of Life
Your Outer Environment is the physical environment you can see and touch. You can’t see your Inner Environment directly; you can only see the effects of it.
The only two things that determine your quality of life are: the quality of your communication with the world outside of you, and the quality of your communication with the world inside of you.
We live in two worlds. We experience our Outer Environment, but who’s the experiencer? You. You experience the Outer through the Inner: with your emotions, spirit, soul and mind.
Break Out of Your Familiar Zone
During my live seminars, I ask people: "How many people feel that CLUTTER is a problem in your life?" About 75% of the hands go up.
Why do we have such a problem with clutter? While I could give you a lot of surface answers, it always comes down to fear.
Fear keeps us in our Familiar Zone. You've heard a million times that you need to "get out of your comfort zone". But consider this:
Let’s say you're driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake. You're aware that you're holding yourself back, and you don't like it. You wouldn't be reading this right now if that weren't true.
So here's my question to you: Is the feeling of going down the road of life with your foot on the brake comfortable?
You and I both know that it isn't comfortable at all. In fact, it's decidedly UNcomfortable. It is, however, familiar.
When you look at that word "familiar", what does that word look like to you?
Family is the root of the word familiar. Some people in my seminars say "family-liar!" The point is:
You don't need to break out of your "comfort zone" – because your "comfort zone" doesn’t exist.
What you need is to break out of your FAMILIAR Zone.
You may be familiar with clutter.
You may be familiar with holding yourself back from the success you're capable of.
You may be familiar with stopping yourself from success.
Most people are.
But you're probably not comfortable with it, let alone happy about it.
Exercise: Break Out of Your Familiar Zone
Answer these questions:
1. What parts of my life am I familiar with, that I am tired of?
2. What would I like to change about my life?
3. What would I like to change about my business?
4. Who can help me make these changes?
5. How will I benefit from making these changes?
6. What will I have to GIVE UP to make these changes?
7. Am I willing to give up something in order to have what I really want?
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