Wednesday, October 20, 2010


You may have heard a rumor on Twitter, by email, or wherever it is that rumors start that October 2010 has 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and that this happens only once every 823 years. This got me thinking, is it really true? So I did some research and found out that the exact same breakdown was used in 1982, 1993, 1999 and again in 2021. I started to think a little more about whose beliefs do I adhere to? Do I ebb and flow with the latest trends and opinions? It’s all too easy to think because it is in the paper, news or on the internet that it is true. Literally, hundreds of peoples’ response to the above fact was that they just accepted it in their stride and thought, “WOW! What an opportunity”. It seems most people are happy to accept “information from authority”. It’s hard to imagine the five weekends concept as being a threat to any particular religion, politics, or ideology, and that’s apparently as deep as most peoples’ filters operate. However, it is a precarious position that people put themselves in if they allow others to program their thoughts and beliefs. My challenge to you in the coming month is to take notice of what you read, hear and see and challenge the validity of it. If nothing else, it will help you become stronger in your beliefs as you stand for what you absolutely value and believe in

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