Friday, May 28, 2010


Last night I had a farewell for a good friend who is moving away to seek more opportunity with his employment. He is decided to put his hand up and say hey I am not staying where I am. I want more. The good thing is that I am not losing a friend, but rather gaining a step closer to my desires as we will still be in touch as with all things we can use today we never really lose contact with our close friends. I am closer to my desires as it shows me how easy it is. At the dinner I spoke with someone who has been fortunate enough to hear Jim Rohn speak many times. I commented that they were very fortunate. They said yes and No. What they went on to say was very true but enlighting. Yes it was very very useful listening t him. However after the first time it was simply....what have I done? The bottom line it doesn't matter who does the talking up front, it is all about what we do with that information. I could listen to Rohn via CD's etc 20 times but still be in the same place. It is about purposeful action, which was what led me to name the title of today memories. One of the first speeches I heard was around term, get up and get moving for the journey is long. No matter where I am and or feel like I am, I cant stay down and flounder. Get up and refresh and move. This is my day. This is my moment. This is my time to shine. Get up and eat for the journey is long. Lets create memories that are lasting.

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