Wednesday, April 21, 2010

7 Habits

Most of you will be familiar with the series by Stephen Covey. 7 Habits of highly successful people. I have recently come across 7 habits of happy children. The book covers the same principles but puts them in children's language. The first one is you are in charge rather than be proactive. It s highly effective and really useful. I have been thinking about this...and how I am in charge of what i do. I have thought of all the people who have been stuck by the volcano in Ice Land.They have a choice to either sit back and complain about where they cant go and what they can't do. On the flip side they can look for what doors have been opened and what they can do. Nothing happens by chance. Who can they meet,what can they see, what can they experience? Life is about making this day count. Success isnt a one off event...its day by day decisions made one day after the other.
Therefore take the advice and make sure you are in charge and ignore what is going on around you and make it happen for you.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I was listening to an audio by Les Brown the Motivational speaker last night and I was reminded of the importance of choosing what we want to do.
People seem to waste their lives by leading lives of quite desperation and then dying with so much still buried deep inside them. Books, songs, lovers, friends, opportunities and many many more are dying inside people. This is backwards. We should be living life to the fullest and then only an empty shell is getting back into the ground. What are the dreams that have been hiding inside me? What are the fears holding me back? Each day I am either getting bigger and better or staying the same and leading a life of quite desperation. There was a man in the bible who cried out as he had fire in his bones. So it is with us...we need to have a fire in our belly to take action daily. Jim Rohn commented that success is easy. It is easy because we can do it. Each and very day you and I have a either get on with living or get on with dying. lets stop living life backwards and waiting til the end. Lets make today the day. Why wait for something bad to happen to take action. Make it happen today. Lets live life to the fullest today.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


What an amazing day it is today with the releasing of the Ipad.

The iPad is Apple's new tablet computer. This cozy little piece of machinery kicks some serious app (With nearly 140,000 of them available). It not only kicks, but also "bytes" in proportions of 16 gig, 32 gig, or 64 gig at a time.

This was simply an idea in Steve's mind. However he and his team have taken action on an idea and followed it through. It was ant that long ago that it would have seemed a weird and impossible idea. But he and his team have been working on it to get it through to today where it is the new hit.

What about you? What ideas have you got? Don't write them off....make note of them and think about them....who knows what is brewing inside your world.

Ipad launch....what are you launching?